


PathLights, LLC started as a research initiative launched by Media Unwrapped in 2019. This critical project is being developed by the five people you can meet on the mediaunwrapped.com/about-us. This initiative has recently been launched as a standalone company. Our website, wearepathlights.com, will be launching very soon.

There's no getting away from loss. In fact, it might be said that loss is one of the only true constants in life. Loss is not just about death—it's about job changes, moves, divorces, and it's even sometimes as simple as misplacing a cherished item. Each of these losses disrupts something primal in us, like a loss of stability or relationship. These core losses bring emotions like fear, anxiety, depression, and many other tough feelings and difficulties to the surface.

Loss can leave turmoil in its wake. It's no wonder so many people push the negative feelings and stories associated with loss down deep; hiding them away until a better time to deal with them arrives, or until they're forgotten completely. But there is a better path.

Over the past year, we have done a deep dive into loss, gathering existing research and building tools that can help people more effectively live through loss. We believe that by leaning into loss, building resiliency, and supporting each other, we can create healthier loss experiences. Our goal is to provide a roadmap for people to help all of us deal with loss in all its many forms. Whether you have just experienced a natural disaster or are struggling with the many changes caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic, we are here to support you in your journey.